Dallas International Festival - November 2002(All images ©2002 Deb Stuer. Any use on a website or any other medium without express written permission is a violation of applicable law.)
The thumbnails link to bigger pics. hold your mouse over the picture to see a comment on it, and click for a bigger image. (Use the back button on your browser to get back to this page..) With 35% of North Texas residents being first or second generation immigrants to this country, Dallas indeed deserves the label “International City.” Such diversity, however, brings many challenges as well as benefits. Dallas International is a coalition of over 1,600 civic, educational and religious organizations established as a means for bringing these groups together for the enrichment of the entire community. The Mission of Dallas International is to promote and coordinate North Texas ethnic and immigrant groups, empowering them as respected members of the community and giving them a forum through which to express, share and celebrate the richness of their cultural heritages. Remember to visit DallasInternational.com.
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