RHYTHMWEB favorites:

djembe scene in Italy (in Italian, obviously)


The Djembe Page

Ah, beloved Djembe, the drum that is taking the world by storm. Start here to surf Djembe on the WWWeb...

Beginners' Djembe exercises! Strengthen your technique.

Rhythmweb Review: Djembe Dunun Drumset by Maarten Schepers
This book is not only good for drumset players, but for all those interested in djembe and djun djun

Soli for Djembe, DjunDjun, drumset -as a companion piece to the review of Maartin's book, we present basic parts to SOLI, along with a possible drumset adaptation

For a good scholarly article on the Djembe and it's history, check out Guide to the Jembe

Mathieu Charrois has an instructional product dealing with djembe soloing, here at www.djembe-solo.ca

Tam Tam Mandingue USA (TTM USA) is a school of West African drumming dedicated to preserving and teaching the music, culture, and traditions of the Mandingue people from the country of Guinea in West Africa.

Master Drummer from Mali
listen to him

Famoudou Konaté

Arafan Toure - The guinean legend

To learn how to pull your rope to tune your djembe, go here. 

The sounds? Gun, Go, Pa. - Djembe patterns are mostly made up of three tones, although many more are possible and are used by advanced players. Different phonetic systems are used to speak the tones, but the most popular one over here in the States is Gun, Go, Pa, the one Baba O. uses, and variations.

PA(the slap), GO(the tone), GUN(goon)the bass


Drums.org massive site, lots of info.


africandrumservices.co.uk - U.K. based mail order African drum sales, workshops, performance and repairs.

Djembe-Play.com - a nice German site, in German, Spanish, and English. Nice work, Klaus..

Head over to our friend Paulo Mattioli's site, Rhythm Journey, for solid djembe learning tools.

Djembe Boom Boom - (Belgium, we think) Good pictures here on re-skinning a djembe

Liewil's Djembe Pages background info and CD reviews

Heads and drum building supplies are here, at Rhythm Traders.

French drummer Maaarten Schepers [at right] has written a fascinating book applying djembe rhythms and techniques to the drum set. Read about it.

A Guide to the Jembe - very well done by Eric Charry

We like the drums at IRIETONES

"Learn Djembe in The Gambia" staying with the famous
Djobarteh family of kora musicians.

a great how to at bongo central:rope tuning hand drums

is a seller of authentic African instruments, based in San Fransisco. The site has good educational content and links to djembe on the Web, nice links to youtube and so on. worth a look.

is a minnesota based online drum and import shop with djembes, ashikos, bougarabou

LuKa Percussion Canadian maufacturers of fine djembes..

Sunrise Djembes
Imported djembes and Djun Djuns available online.

Djembe african drums - Djembe african drums. Handmade ethnic percussion. Large size Djembe, Kpanlogo, Bougarabou super sale. Direct producers.




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