Brazil:Pandeiroand tamborim
are used in many different types of music. in Brazil,
there is even a festival where a specific typoe of big frame drums
are used, the Bumba
Meu Boifestival.
riqq, tar, bodhran, bendir, deff, def, (also called
daff or duff) muzhar, gavel or ghaval, which is the same as
the Persian Dayereh or Doira, pandeiro, panderetto, tamborine,
tamborim, tamburello, kanjira, kanjari, doira, tamelin
drumming drummers drum
Judith Cohen is a performer and ethnomusicologist
specializing in Judeo-Spanish Sephardic songs, as well as
in medieval and traditional music. Plays ADUFE, among many
other things. Good sound samples.
Leigh is a California based composer/ who plays flute
and percussion.
Frame Drum Central
is the best place to begin your online study of different frame
drumming traditions, frame drummers and frame drums..the
frame drum known best to most of us is the simple tamborine, a
frame drum with jingles. However there is a big variety of frame
drums, with one head or two, some with jingles or bells, and some
Frame drums are portable, relatively inexpensive,
very versatile, and they can be played in situations where many
instruments would never work (in your apartment, or behind the
wheel stuck in traffic at rush hour, perhaps).
Frame drums have a long and illustrious history,
and they are found in cultures all over the world. Over here in
the U.S.A., there has lately been a steady surge in interest in
them over the past decade or two, thanks to the initial work of
Glen Velez
and John
Bergamo, teachers who began to champion their use
early on. Now many of their students are teaching, and performing,
and with the Internet, there is qquite a lively scene of frame
drummers around.
stu's note: I was fortunate to meet Peyman during the late spring
of 2001. He continues to tirelessly promote his music on the World
Wide Web, as a moderator of the Goblet
Drumming Group and the Indian
Tabla group at Yahoo, and an active member of the FrameDrummer
group as well...links to his works are at right. Thanks Peyman..Keep
it up!
- Layne has done TONS of research. She has recently relocated
to Brazil, and is putting some very interesting videos up at her
YouTube channel, too. Check her site out..
Two fine pages by Juanjo Fernandez about the Spanish
versions of these frame drums, one square and one round:
Another good source for
lovers of frame drums is Layne Redmond's book,
" empowering narrative history of the sacred
drum in the ancient Goddess civilization, using her
extensive collection of images gathered during more
than five years of research and travel in the Mideast
and Europe." 80 photos & drawings.".
while you're surfing, check out an awesome array of drummers
the Soul Awake (with Jaime Meyer) - Universalist
Church of Minneapolis; this drum circle uses primarily frame
drums; a very interesting program, from the looks of it..
Our friends in Hands
onSemble play many type of frame drums, and have
done some really good fusion work, releasing several excellent
CD's over the past few years.
Canada based South Indian drummer Ganesh
Anandan is applying south Indian finger strokes to
other surfaces, including frame drums. A nice site, with a
book coming out soon.
Judy Piazza's fine site, Resonance
& Rhythms, details her frame drum related musical
Emiliano,a Brazilian living in San Fransisco, has a pandeiro
lesson on his site.
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are trademarks, and any unauthorized use of the names is a violation of
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