This is sort of a sneak preview of an upcoming area at rhythmweb. Many of the links are not yet operational. will be specially designed to integrate with Rhythmweb live kids programs, with specific links to what we talked about. We hope it will be operational soon.

Buy a Drum

Make a Drum

Study Rhythm

Listen to music to practice along with

List of Cool drumming CD's

Free metronome
[if you don't know what one is, you probably need one.]

For more on Rhythmweb programs, click here. For booking, e mail stu

Above: we assisted the drumming endeavors last fall at an Arts Retreat for the Dallas High School for Gifted and Exceptional students.
Click for the full story.

Drums & Percussion are FUN!
Music is so interesting. There is so much to learn on the Web about drumming and percussion music; in every country of the world, there is a drum or some other percussion instrument, and everywhere there are musicians who love to play.

Kids play drums and percussion all over the World. See some examples:

Boys bucket drumming in Zambia

Nigerian kids playing on boxes..

Older kids playing drums in Sao Paulo Brazil

A young girl playing with her family on the street in India

Young Tony Royster (USA) at age 12, on drum set

Here are some sound files, examples of different types of percussion music from different cultures:

West Africa | Iran | Cuba | Brazil | USA | Java (Indonesia) | India

These are only examples. in each of these cultures, there are many types of percussion music. You can explore these cultures further by surfing the "Culture" links at the top of the Rhythmweb main home page

"There are certain universal principles too, rules that are true for every drummer, no matter where he or she is living, or what kind of a drum they play. What are some of these principles?

  1. Study and regular practice increase your abilities, and make it more fun
  2. Good timing and good tone are important.
  3. Pay attention.
  4. Relax, keeping the back straight and the arms and shoulders relaxed.
  5. Begin slowly and carefully. If it is hurting you to play, stop doing whatever is causing the pain
  6. Take off your rings when hand drumming, to avoid damaging the membrane.

World's Largest Taiko Drum

A drum made from Japanese cedar and cowhide measuring 15 ft 9 inches in diameter, 16 ft 3 inches deep and weighing 4,400 lb was built by the Asano Taiko Company Ltd (Japan). The final section of the drum was completed just a few hours before its first performance in 2001(Guinness World Records).

Read more about Taiko drumming at Wikipedia. is brought to you by

visit the main site for hours of good surfing

Eric and Len : The DRUM GUYS


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