of all ages
love to JAM.
They love drumming, rhythm and percussion. We know it is healthy
for us, too, based on many new studies, for a host of good reasons.
From its beneficial effects on the body to its usefulness in developing
ability to learn math concepts and abstract languages such as computer
languages, educators and scientists are proving more and more every
day what we musicians have always known..
Music Making
is GOOD for you!
director Eric Stuer has been immersed in music all his life, performing
professionally since 1968, and doing interactive group percussion
programs since 1994. We offer programs for all ages,
in a variety of formats. We have enjoyed working in elementary schools,
middle and high schools, colleges, schools, public libraries, community
centers, churches, festivals, conferences, and a variety of other
Assembly programs
- Libraries and schools are the place for this fast moving interactive
look into the world of rhythm & world percussion.
The Rhythmweb Arts experience is educational in many
ways, and various subjects, from math and science to history and
linguistics are all touched upon, in an way that stresses the relevance
of these academic subjects to real life.
Assembly programs can be in solo presentation format,
or if budget permits, may utilize additional musicians, and/or storytellers.
We love doing programs with drummers from other cultures. Rhythmweb
presenters have included musicians from Uruguay, Puerto Rico, Senegal,
Lebanon, Uganda, and other places.
We vary the focus to fit the venue, from performance
only to totally interactive. Normally, in a school or library setting,
we strike a balance between the two, touching on important educational
points regarding the music, the instruments, and the cultures, but
allowing for audience participation as well..
Drum Circles
- Drum Circles are actually a mass jam session,
using drums and percussion instruments. we assemble in a circle
and everyone improvises to make in the moment music. No prior experience
is required, and instruments are furnished.
School Programs - Workshops, Assemblies
Recent Examples:
Gullett Elementary, Austin Texas -
Here we did three assembly programs on the same day, grouping them
K-1, 2-3 and 4-5. This meant about 200-225 kids in each group. They
were drawn from regular classes and assembled in the Cafeteria/Auditorium.
We centered on body percussion and vocal sounds, then moved on to
shakers and finally the Boomwhacker tubes. We managed to get three
of the music students up to play hand drums as well.
Boyd Elementary, Allen Texas - At
Boyd they wanted more extensive interaction, a little more hands-on
time with the drums for the participants, and so they opted to use
me for two consecutive days, 8 AM to 3 PM, bringing the group size
down to about 60. We met in the gym, in lieu of their normal gym
class that week, and used all of the above elements, but added frame
drums and some other percussion toys. Zeroing in on the individual
grade levels allows one to customize the program more and work more
with individuals.
Washington Middle School, El Dorado Arkansas
- Principal Jody Vines had a vision of
an ongoing drumming program at Washington Middle School (all 5th
and 6th graders). With the sponsorship of Murphy Oil Company, she
was able to purchase a nice set of drums for the school, and send
two of her teachers to join us for a drum circle facilitation training
with Arthur Hull we attended in DFW. She was also able bring me
to El Dorado for a week in January to help kick start the activities.
Her teachers and her staff are as highly motivated
as she; they have a wonderful thing going at Washington Middle School.
I am so proud of their drum club kids. This was a weeklong residency,
Monday through Friday, 8 AM - 3 PM, in class sizes of 29 or less,
in a special program room dedicated to that purpose for the week.
We also presented a drum circle for the kids and
their parents on Thursday night, and worked one afternoon with
the after school drum club. The kids, the teachers, and the principal
had so much heart; it was a real inspiration to me to be able to
be involved, and we plan to return next year for another round.
The El Dorado paper wrote a fine article about the (then upcoming)
residency, available HERE in PDF
The West Mesquite High School Honors Orchestra
Drum Circle - The honors orchestra had just returned from
contest, triumphant, with ones all the way across in both sight
reading and in concert. It was the last class before Spring Break.
Dr. Marylin Butorac, their director, wanted to
reward them for their excellent performance and also challenge them
to look at music in a fresh and new way, offering a hint of the
dimensions yet to be reached. The solution? MESQUITE HONORS ORCHESTRA
DRUM CIRCLE. This was incredible fun. They were so talented anyway,
that when let loose on the percussion instruments , they were wonderful.
We got some good video of this drum circle. Apologies for the delay
in posting , but time does not permit.. We have already been invited
back next year, if schedules permit.
We can help kick start a drumming program
in your school or youth group, and even do team building
for your teachers or staff. Write us for more information.
Welcome Texas librarians and community center staff
We are planning for the 2008
summer tour, too, and it will be big fun. The groups will
range in size from as few as a dozen all the way up to several hundred.
The summer schedule is HERE.
We will be working this year with frame drums such as the riq,
pandeiro, and the daf, and with homemade stuff
like buckets and utility tubs, along with drums like the cajon,
djembe, doumbek and so on. The presentation is designed to whet
their appetite, and rhythmweb is the place to READ about it afterwards.
Please remember our URL and our kid friendly website, Rhythmweb,
when folks ask about researching these instruments...
Some of our clients will choose a 'homemade percussion'
emphasis, and gather the things needed for the kids to make their
own instruments. We saw a zillion different shaker containers last
year. Your best bet for shakers is vitamin bottles, not too big,
and the indian grocery has wonderful legumes like mothlittle tiny
beans, making a very fine sound..plastic bb's work too; let's use
our imaginations: what else might work?
Remember, we offer a homemade percussion
workshop, and beginner's hands on workshops in Latin Percussion,
Frame Drumming, Drum Set, and an interactive Drum Circle program.
Write us
for more details.
For booking, e
mail stu
left: Summer 2006 in the Municipal ballroom, Sherman Texas, we are
doing a program under joint sponsorship of the Sherman Parks &
Rec and Friends of the Sherman Public Library.
This is a big one, usually over 400..We did that venue
for 2005, 2006, and 2007. not sure yet about 2008.. Last year, Alassane
Sarr joined Len Barnett and Stu for a trio performance.
Expressive improvised movement with hula hoops , scarves,
or a parachute can be big fun, done to in the moment musical sounds
like drums and percussion... Movement and music just go together,
like peanut butter and jelly..
Below, another shot of the Sherman event, this time
of Rhythmweb guest artist Len Barnett, from a different angle. this
still does not show how big that Municipal ballroom is, though..we
have video of the 07 one, and hope to post it soon..
Below: Longview TX Public Library

Below: Downtown branch, Austin Public Library. When the presentation
is in the library itself, rather than a program room or nearby community
center, it takes on a different character..we generally do several
like this a year, and they are fun..
Below: A spontaneous after-program petting zoo.
Was it Iowa City? I cannot remember..