Rhythmweb>HandsOn>riq_lessonRiq Lessons from Randy Gloss!Before You Start: There are two main playing positions for this instrument. They are commonly referred to as the Cabaret style and the Soft style. these lessons deal only with Cabaret style. Click on the images below for a better view. Holding the Riq1.
Make a C shape with your left hand. (if you're right handed) 4.
Your forefinger and possibly your middle finger will hold the Riq where
the skin meets the shell.
7. Likewise, your left hand will be used (along with your right)to play
the front jingles in your C. Use your ring finger in each hand (on that
same jingle). Practice altenating right-left-riight-left for awhile, to
get the feel. (See picture #6, at left) The Drum Strokes - Doum; an open, low pitched sound, played with the index finger of the dominant drumming hand. (Sound files forthcoming)Tak; High pitched sound, played close to the edge of the drum head. Use the ring finger of your domanant hand. (pic#4) Kat; closed stroke, played in the middle of the drum head. It is a relaxed stroke, so approach it with a mildly cupped hand.(pic #5) The Jingles; This particular tamborine has very loud and active sounding jingles (which is why before we even begin to play, we tilt the drum). These two lessons were prepared to teach some basic playing ideas, but more importantly, it will give you some ideas on how to control and manipulate the jingles. With your ring fingers in both hands, alternate striking the jingle that is closest to the Middle C of your grip. (Same as step 7 on how to hold the drum) See pic#6.(at left) Shaking the tamborine back and forth. Imagine you are holding an egg shaker or small maraca in your left hand. Because of the weight of the Riq, this motion will cause fatigue in your hand at first. Don't push it. When you get tired, stop and rest. It is also common for people to exagerate the necessary motion at first. So, pay attention to keep the gesture small. (this will reduce the amount of work required.) If you are new at this tamborine, I recommend practicing shaking the Riqq back and forth, keeping the notes even (think egg shaker) before you begin the lessons. The triplet with the jingles is a side to side shake (more specifically a left to right rotation)
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